Connected TV is the most used device
Dynamic Ad Substitution is TV Spot 2.0
First Party Data & Audience Targeting
Above-average VTRs
Over 220 TV channels in Germany, many of them in Full-HD
First certified carbon-neutral streaming provider
Dynamic Ad Substitution enables the exchange of linear TV spots in the live advertising blocks with user-targeted spots. This exchange is seamless.
Dynamic Ad Substitution combines highest quality and top-of-the-class awareness of TV advertising with digital targeting opportunities:
- reach potential 52 Mio. contacts p.m.
- additional OTT Audience
- high VTRs through audience targeting
Connected TVs are the most used devices of our users. This includes Smart TVs, streaming devices and gaming consoles.
Experience maximum reach with Dynamic Ad Substitution and Channel Switch Ad and benefit from:
- a CTV reach potential of 39 million contacts p.m.
- maximum awareness
- a high premium user base
Whether Video Bundle, Dynamic Ad Substitution or Channel Switch Ad (Preroll), whether CTV or Multiscreen - we offer the most innovative advertising products with the largest selection of targeting options - also individually and seasonally.
Click here to see our portfolio
Click here for technical specifications
*GiK Q1 2024 & Zattoo Data June 2024
CTV usage
InStream AdRequests p. m.
Party Targeting
Age, Gender, Language
TV-based interests:
Genre & Category
Geo & Device:
e.g language region & device
Audience Segments:
User interest targeting: Over 22 predefined audience segments as well as seasonal and individual audience segments.
Marie Langgärtner
Director Sales Advertising Germany
DAS refers to the seamless exchange of an existing live commercial with a targeted commercial, depending on which targeting criteria the user in front of the screen meets.
The Video Bundle includes Prerolls or Channel Switch Ads, which are shown before the broadcast content during the switching process, as well as Dynamic Ad Substitution, which seamlessly replaces an existing ad block.
We analyze the viewing behavior of users and form interest-based audience clusters. These segments are used in campaigns with the corresponding interest target group. The best results are achieved by minimizing distribution loss.
Instead of a cable or satellite connection, all you need for TV streaming is Internet access. Zattoo is one of the leading TV streaming provider in Europe for live and time-shifted TV on all Internet-enabled devices such as CTVs, laptops or cell phones.
Connected TVs (CTVs) are all Internet-enabled big-screen devices that can be used to stream TV programmes. These include Smart TVs, streaming devices such as Google Chromecast, Fire TV Stick and Apple TV, and gaming consoles.